Panzerplague - The Greatest Military Disaster

Wrathful speeches from the tribune
By winsome tyrant on the throne
Overflowing spells of hatred
This is the way we come
From mouth to mouth, by Propaganda
Paper rats that bring the plague
Disgust and hate turn to obsession
To kill each other once again.

We are The Greatest Military Disaster, baby
We was begotten by fire and smoke
Hunger, Diseases, Distress will come after
To make a final death stroke.

We are the Greatest Military Disaster, baby
And your bright future burning under our feet.
The foundations of humanity slowly fester
That means that our mission complete.

You call for us
And now we answered.
You will get all what you want.
Ruined, lifeless, barren region
Fire will ingest your home.

We’ll rape your wives,
Enslave your children.
They’ll live and die by our command.
Then we’ll bring a big explosion
Promulgating human’s end.

We are The Greatest Military Disaster, baby
We was begotten by fire and smoke
Hunger, Diseases, Distress will come after
To make a final death stroke.

We are the Greatest Military Disaster, baby
And your bright future burning under our feet.
The foundations of humanity slowly fester
That means that our mission complete.

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