Panzerplague - Carrion's Flight

Burning armor colored morning sky with shades of flames
Exhausted and naked city now derelict with no defense
So many loots and women for marauders to take
So many lives and fates for conquerors to break

The last assault across the field, storming to the end
No one in doomed city is able to withstand
the bawdy battle song flies over heads like black ensign
In waiting for spoils your hands clenched your rifle tight

Born to fight
Now you’re corpse
Forced to fly
By blast
Crushing bones
By fear
Raping souls

Your God
Will not come
Raining guts
Raining scum
But last
Hope is gone
For new flying carrion

From the beginning something went very wrong
The sound of explosion interrupted your battle song
You felt the blood of a friend on your dirty face
One by one soldiers were attacked by hidden death

Then the next sudden blast blinded your frightened eyes
You only saw commander killed with splinter in his lungs
The minefield – deadly trap stretched far and wide
Primeval instinct nailed you down to the ground

New wave of warriors is following your step
Marching with the song right to the deadly trap
In the selfless impulse you rose up from the ground
With only wish to warn your friends you issued raucous cry

Step by step uncertainly you started your retreat
And finally in falsely solace you forgot to watch your feet
Killing blast, rising ground, homicidal light
New flying carrion has started its final flight

Hidden death
Cold fear
Hinders breath
Thirst for life
Is dementing
Your mind

But at last
Flash of light
Will send you
To the flight
Strike of pain
Will rich your flesh
Grind your body
To the trash

Born to fight
Now you’re corpse
Forced to fly
By blast
Crushing bones
By fear
Raping souls

Your God
Will not come
Raining guts
Raining scum
But last
Hope is gone
For new flying carrion

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