Panzerplague - Death That Hides Inside

Dead silence frozen mountains at sunset.
Fear came with daylight death and gave no rest.
They’re waiting for the unknown from mountainside.
2 a.m. Death smiled and they began to die…

Thunderstorm from many weapons
Destroyed the silent autumn night.
Heavens, full of grey smoke tails
Drop the shells with death inside.
Coming out from metal cover
Yellow fog spread across the land.
Gaseous spawn filled their bodies,
Drive their life road to the end.

Every new inhalation makes them suffer more and more.
Mouths that numb in cries for help, choke in gore.
Needles… Thousands needles pierced their chests.
Dance of agony, feebleness and pain … welcome death.

Faces, hands… All their bodies
Stained with glossy gray-black color.
Vein’s inflation, faint, convulsions,
Insane eyes with plumbum cover.
Someone is dead, someone still breathing,
But all of them will be the scum.
They’re dead alive. Played hide and seek
With death that hides inside their lungs

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