Varathron - Aclo Savaoth Soth (The Final Chapter of Acts)

Altar mna de goth ge’jal
Altar mna de goth ge’jal

Dark is the night of arabaom 36 figures after the chariot
The chariot of hay untouched by knights clocked – in black!
For sacrum consist the great seal of graal
Six times in six different horizons
Every one hundred years lamentive entreaties!

The final charter of acts

The morbid visions in the tower they arrive
Again in refuge as river acheron flows silent.

Aclo savaoth soth the final chapter of acts
Wind of chilling mayhem juggoth the slut awaits!

The wicked lizard a womb of non existence
A painful sexual need to perpetuate the unholy!

The final charter of acts

Psalms whispered in the mirror the mirror of perception
To awake the disgraced disgraced bride of hades
Untouched by knights clocked in black
For sacrum consists
The great seal of Graal

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