Just Before Dawn - Raped Soil

Baptized in fire and burning
With hate an ashen epitaph
The rotten stench of the
Failure man

The trail is packed with bodies
Of all those who fell
A rotting cadaverous mass
Of infections and decay

Alas, the sky came down
Gorged in fire,
We smoke ourselves out
Tears been burnt away,
No echo of mans existence
Into the viod we drift.

Devoured by the once raped soil
Alas, the sky came down
Gorged in fire,
We smoke ourselves out
Tears been burnt away,
No echo of mans existence
Into the viod we drift.
Devoured by the once raped soil

The tunnel of black so endlessly deep
Into the obscure we drift
The eye of vortex,
The toothless grin
Devouring everything

Alas, the sky came down
Gorged in fire,
We smoke ourselves out
From nothing that we are born
To nothing that we've become
The nothingness our once
Raped soil

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