Jumalhämärä - Ecstasy in Blood - A Ballad

He was free of earthly burdens
and rode the roads of dusty decay
with horses and wagons not his own
In every town he found friends so jolly

In the east he robbed an oldster
In the west he burned the fields of a sick man
In the woods besides the town of south
lies the corpse of a young boy
The beggar in the north he did not meet

A strong smell of love he left after him
Daughters, whores and virtuous wives
all equally privileged to taste his lust
All left lying around naked and drunk

As decades of sloth passed by
villains like him started spawning out
from the septic vulva of mankind
Wicked brothers for the ugly children

A horseless man is a woeless man
but at the end of the day nothing but a static man

Like those willing daughters
there were horses everywhere
Horses to head north with
Horses for free

Sentient vehicles have their owners
Some of them old and clever
Who know when to look after their goods

Attempt of arrogance in broad daylight
never to be realized
As farmer’s wand spoke to the thief
How clear and commanding was its voice

Look at the poor bastard crawling in pain
Through the veil of blood
he's able to perceive purity in the dirt
In the blue of the bruises
a glimpse of heaven
In the sound of cracking jaws
the bells of the easter mass

Writhing in the gutter crying
with a voice that of a lion
Glamorous joy to crawl in the dirt
Silent ecstasy of humiliating pain
Elation in submission like never before
The glory of defamation
from the stake of an old man

Earth like butter
and circulating winds
A ferrous scent all over
Ecstacy and gratitude

Blood freshly spilled in the sunlight
is perhaps the most beautiful colour
that is to be found in nature

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