Julien Aklei - Cabin Boy

Skipping through a town by the bay, where a
Captain won’t stay but a day or a night.
Standing tween the sea and the sky, well a
Captain can’t lie, and he always is right.
Saw you stepping down from your boat, with a
Boot in your hand; you were holding it tight.
Standing tween the sea and the sky, well a
Captain can’t lie and he always is right. In the night.
You put me on your ship as a cabin boy, but
I knew that it wasn’t right.
I remember crawling on my hands and my knees,
Throwing up into the big black night.
Standing on the deck with my hands on the rail
Watching boats floating out to sea.
The wood bottomed gails with their triangle sails
Always drifting far away from me.
And the men take turns, but your heart burns.
Bringing you two rolls and some bread, where you
Lie in your bed with a girl every night.
Bowing down my head to descend, under
Deck where you bend me over with your black might.
Wearing shortened pants like the boys,
Playing round with their toys on the deck every night,
Spreading out my legs to receive every gail storm and
Breeze that blows over me right. In the night.
Stacking up crates on your wooden deck
Beneath the bright orange of the sun.
Mopping up the deck with some foamy froth
You see a slave’s work is never done.
Yeah the men take turns, but your heart burns.
Dreaming of the land that I’ll find, of the
Cities that shine and twinkle late in the night.
Climbing on the deck’s icy rail, where I
Pray for a gale to blow over me right.
Blow me to the arms of the sea, where my
Captivity cannot follow me, quite.
Freedom and release they will come from the
Sea’s icy tongue flowing over me right. In the night.
You took me on as a cabin boy, but
I knew that it wasn’t right.
I remember crawling on my hands and my knees
Throwing up into the big black night.
Standing on the deck with my hands on the rail
Watching boats floating out to sea.
The wood bottomed gails with their triangle sails
Always drifting far away from me.
And the men take turns, but your heart burns.

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