Journey into Darkness - The Insignificance of

The insignificance of
The lives in which we live
The endless search for meaning
To which there's none to give

We are ever so small
A spec in infinity
Living a brief moment in time
Obscured by eternity

Once it's viewed off the Earth
The time we spend has no worth
All our actions all we do
Whatever it is we pursue
From our very lows to our best
To the universe unprocessed
Space cannot comprehend
What is the meaning of friend
Stars have no eyes to see
What we call enemy
The universe does not care
The meaning of life is bare

A never ending loop
Of beginnings and ends
The true meaning of time
We cannot comprehend

Once it's viewed off the Earth
The time we spend has no worth
All our actions all we do
Whatever it is we pursue
From our very lows to our best
To the universe unprocessed
Space cannot comprehend
What is the meaning of friend
Stars have no eyes to see
What we call enemy
The universe does not care
The meaning of life is bare

The vastness of space goes on
An unending sea of stars
The vastness of time goes on

A countless number of stars
In a vast number of galaxies
In a universe contained
Within uncountable realities

The universe was before
It will exist long after
The many times we cry
And beyond all the laughter

When our existence ends
And there's nothing left within
The planets will still orbit
The galaxies will still spin

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