Joseph: King of Dreams - Miracle Child

A brightly shining star,
Where there was none,
You have granted us a son.

Dreams do come true,
Look at you, Joseph.

Our baby brother,
He is special,
He is one of us,
We'll keep him from harm,
And we will teach him..

I will teach him,
All he needs to know,
He'll stand apart from other men,

We'll stand beside him,
And together,
We will show him,
What it means,
To be a family.

You are a miracle child,
You are the best,
You shine the brightest,
Your days will be cloudless and mild,
Your trails be blessed,
Your trials the lightest,
You were made for better things,
You will share the air of kings,
You were born and fortune smiled,
For you are a miracle child.

The sun will rise within your eyes,
The moon will light your smile,
And heaven grace your gentle face,
With power to beguile,
You will wade through the river of sorrows,
Warm and dry,
And angels will guide your tomorrows,
This I prophesy.

For you are a miracle child,
You are ethe best,
You shine the brightest,
Your days will be cloudless and mild,
Your trails be blessed,
Your trails the lightest,
You were made for better things,
You will share the air of kings,
You were born and fortune smiled,
For you are a miracle child.

Dearest mother,
Beloved father,
A coat of colours bright as butterfly wings,
To remind me,
Things you've told me all my life,
I am special, I am smart,
I am somehow set apart,
Petty rules and limitations don't apply,

For I am a miracle child,
I can't be harmed, I'm wrapped in rainbow,
Though fate can be heartless and wild,
My life's been charmed,
And shall remain so,
I was made for something more,
Not to struggle, but to soar,

To my fortune reconciled,
For I am a miracle child.
You won't see me bent over double,
In darkness and rubble,
Where mountains of trouble are piled,
I was destined to fly, watch me light up the sky,
For I am a miracle child

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