Jonathan Clay - A little time

Two boxes full of you
And labeled with your name
I'm scared to go digging through
I don't want to feel the same
As I did before I went crazy
And I split us into two

I've got people everywhere
They tell me I'm ok
I even met this new girl just the other day
She's so perfect so I guess I'm crazy
I can't get over you

I try to fight but I give in
I guess you win
Cause I keep going back to you again
I tell myself that I'll be fine
Just give it time
All we need is just a little time
A little time
A little time

And I make it through the night
Ignoring all the signs
I swore the other day that I'd leave it all behind
Standing forward with my new design
To get me back in line

The days are longer now
I wear a good disguise
But I still see you every time I close my eyes
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I Dream of days before I went crazy
And I split us into two

I try to fight but I give in
I guess you win
I keep going back to you again
And I tell myself that I'll be fine
Just give it time
All we need is just a little time
A little time
A little Time

For me to find my mind
It got lost along the way
A little time
For me to realize
That your gone, your gone away

woah woah woah

I try to fight but I give in
You always win
I'll always go back to you again
And I tell myself that I'll be fine just give it time
All we need is just a little time
A little time
A little time

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