Judicator - Life Support

Between rage and sorrow
We sense approaching death
The drugs put him to sleep
He's conscious less and less

He will come back to us, god will not abandon us
I gave him life and I won't see my pride and joy just slip away
I know that I hide alone, but I will never leave you
I wouldn't have you take this path of what I soon will become

Please - Sitting in corners alone - Please come back to me
No - Trust in the gift of life - He will pass on in the night
Lies - I hope that I may be wrong - God will relieve those with faith
Please - I will not give up on you - I'm bracing myself for the storm

Storm! I will not yield
I know that you would pray
But no prayers will sound while that thing is still around

I just cannot take it all, the constant hate and fear
Like a snake that circles round and round and feasts upon itself
I know that you butt heads, but can't we let that rest?
My son is dying here and still you can't put difference(s) aside

He - will you consider my words? - I just want to be alone
I - how can we deal with this shit? - you've already danced with death
Then - we could go on in shifts - there's no sense in dealing with him
Trust - how can I trust in you people - it is your only choice

Madness - can I be set free?! - No more
Now you show yourself
Selfish - picking on my brother's wife - Stop now
His poor love
Cold bitch - just leave her alone - Please, now!
Everything's ending
Snide jabs - leave the girl alone - Michael!
It's good that my brother cannot see

Now - Watching the strength in her heart - Tolerance come to an end
So - Now you can see why I left - Stories have come to life
Yes - A glimpse into broken minds - Everyone carries burden
But - Don't let it fester in you - I know that it's my sacrifice

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