Julien Aklei - You built a Tower for Me

you built a tower for me
you picked me lettuce so fresh and so green
you showed the bluebirds the way to my door
now you never come back here no more
twelve bearded men they befriended me
let me in to their cottage where I tidied and cleaned
I frosted their cakes and I polished their floors
now I never go back there no more
everyone’s eyes they were rolling on me
rolling like marbles it became hard to breathe
so I rolled like a river through a crack in the door
now I never go back there no more
mother would you say I was wrong
to wait in your arms till I had waited too long
the ghost and footman just rolled out the door
to where the green fields stretched on to nevermore
next time I’ll carry a gun
I won’t cease my fire till I’m certain it’s done
the ghost and the footman stretched out on the floor
now they’ll never come back here no more
they’ll never come back here no more

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