Julien Aklei - Tween Times

Getting through these tween time days is getting kinda low;
The fiery flames you fanned in me have faded to a glow.
Now I got to find a real life of my own;
Gotta find a way to entertain my mind just being all alone.
Used to be such pain to me just seeing you around;
Dreaming of your brown eyes could always bring me down.
And its hard to face when these feelings start to fade,
Cause these feelings were all I had of you,
and if the feelings gone then I don’t got a thing.
My ship is going down, but my body starts to float,
Rising like the living dead in a long forgotten moat.
I was prepared to die in the piercing fires of hell,
But not to live in this numbing kind of shell.
I don’t want this spell to lift, cause I’ll be a dry ole bone.
I can’t keep this wound alive, my feelings almost gone.
Dusty, there’s a timer on this crack upon my heart;
And if you don’t come and hurt me soon,
then my heart will mend and this dream world fall apart.
Melancholy gently falls upon me like a shroud;
Don’t know I could feel your love if you gave it to me now.
Thought I’d be your martyr with the most dramatic fall, but
Dusty Stables, now I’ll live feeling nothing at all.

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