Julien Aklei - The Old World

Well i'm walking this road with mud on my shoes

and the coats of the men are clean

and their pockets are filled with pennies

and their ladies laugh at me

and i'm cheered by the way the birds show off

and the flags that blow against the wind

but every time i cross a man

i start shaking in my boots again.

good lord! good lord!

i want someone to kiss me, take off my clothes

make love to me, i don't know

good lord! good lord!

well this place ain't much like the old world

it don't seem much like the old world

three big men, they corner me:

we got a bone to pick with you

your numbers they just don't add up

and your wings is stained with glue

and the good guys don't wear no funny clothes

and the honest guys don't rhyme

and the pure of heart they hide their light

and the innocent don't shine

and the truth it looks a bit like us

and common sense is where we stand

and the farthest point our eyes can see

is the farthest point of this land

good lord! good lord!

i want someone to kiss me, take off my clothes

make love to me, i don't know

good lord! good lord!

well this place aint much like the old world

it don't seem much like the old world

my tongue is tired and defeated

it don't wanna speak no more

i just wanna bury my head in my hands

and slouch way down on the floor

but then i think of that long lost day

when I sat in a field with you

you said, beautiful day, beautiful child

i wanna give my life to you

so you slit your wrists and the blood poured out

and we watched a thousand roses bloom

then i kissed you till the flesh turned back

like a baby soft and new

good lord! sweet lord!

well this place aint much like the old world

it don't look much like the old world

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