Julien Aklei - Stone

The men are big here. They weigh 200 pounds.
They look like stones to me that rage upon the ground.
And their eyes don’t see the same things my eyes see.
They can’t see the fairies that come & talk to me.
It’s no big deal its just I feel so all alone.
My eyes can’t see this world of stone.
I have a friend who lived in the 18th century
When I’m alone at night he comes to talk to me.
I told this to a man when I was I was on a date.
He said he could not believe a single word I say.
He said that I ain’t true he said that I ain’t right
He said he’d believe in me if I’d let him squash me down tonight.
It’s no big deal it’s just i feel so all alone.
My eyes can’t see the world of stone.
Hey there flower, that’s what one man said to me.
Hey there child, that’s what one man said to me.
And I have no idea what they could want with me.
My eyes can’t even see the same things their eyes see.
And when you touch me your hand feels like a stone.
It feels like being crushed beneath a heavy stone.
And when you speak to me your words just feel like stones.
It feels like being crushed beneath a heavy stone.
I’m tired of being crushed; I’d rather be alone.
My heart can’t feel this world of stone.
Hey there flower, that’s what one man said to me.
I do not believe a single thing you see.
But let me talk to you & take you home with me.
Let me press my heavy body on your body.
It’s no big deal it’s just I feel so all alone.
My eyes can’t see this world of stone.

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