Julien Aklei - Pink Star of the Beautiful Ohio

Pinkstar of the beautiful Ohio

crashing down in flames to

extinguish in the river, smoldering, smoldering

with black and gray smoke, thicker than mud, thicker

than fossils, this river is on fire,

it is red hot at the bottom, it burns

the curious finger, it shines gold

beneath the moon.

Pink star of the Ohio, sweltering,

sweating at the center of the earth,

locked up in chains, panting

and shaking, he glows with fury

making the earth blush and moisten.

Chains melting from his cherry

blood, glaring holes into the earth�s

thick crust, he is ready to go home.

So it won't be long now, people of Kentucky,

till he'll rise from the body of the Ohio,

like a whale on fire, rising up to the sky

where he'll shine on Kentucky

and we'll glow like an ember.

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