Julien Aklei - Massanutten

My hands was sore, I’d been spinning wool all day with my cousin Lu.
Then Ma comes smashing through the door, blasting out the news.
Them Yankees, they’s on a rampage, girls, ruining women and corn.
Our boys is gonna stop them. Going up to Massanuttin in the morn.
I try to think about the war, and get mad at them things those Yankees do.
But every time I try to think about them yankees, my thoughts return to you.
Now Mama says that when it comes to love,
A woman can’t say what’s wrong orright.
So if you’re leaving for Massanuttin in the morning,
Then I want to make love tonight.
Do you remember sweating out in them fields, when my ma sent me out to you?
I had cold chicken and lemonade that I was bringing to you.
You called me Little Blue Angel; you was staring in my eyes.
You stared at me for ten seconds straight; then I ran back inside.
Now everyday I think back on that day, though I know it ain’t no smart thing to do.
Ma said, Don’t fall in love with no man, girl, he need to fall in love with you.
Well I’m sure you ain’t in love with me.
But then I can’t be sure I’m right,
So if you’re leavin for Massanutten in the morning
Then I wanna make love tonight.
My cousin Lu had a white mouse, ran all day around a wheel,
Made me think of myself, spinning all day on my wheel.
Ma said, Us women is one part house pet, and one part working mule.
You gotta work hard to get you a man, girl, and be sweet like a baby too.
If you ain’t working hard for no man, no man ain’t gonna work hard you.
If you ain’t sweet as a summer peaches, girl, won’t no man take a bite out of you.
I didn’t know what she meant back then,
But maybe now I do.
And if you’re gonna be killing them yankees tomorrow, boy,
Tonight I’ll make love to you.
After supper, I walk out to your farm with some biscuits I made.
You kiss my hand and invite me to talk out back in the hay.
I lie straight back in the hay; stare straight up in the sky.
You’re talking bout them yankees and lincoln, and how you ain’t afraid to die.
Then my legs just start a running, running back to my own bed.
We was lying side by side in the hay, boy; but you’s with them yankees in your head.
Now you’re a stumbling after me,
Calling, babe don’t leave, it just ain’t right.
Cause I’m leaving for Massanuttin in the morning
and I wanted to make love tonight.
Well I’m in in bed and so is Lu, but not a one of us can sleep.
Past our window, way out in the distance, the sky is filled with fire.
These sounds are creeping through our walls; they sound like thunder, but not quite.
But in my mind I’m far away and thats why I’m awake tonight.
I’m lying in a great green field; ear on the ground
The day is quiet but from deep in the earth comes the faintest thumping sound.
Somewhere across the world, a rabbit’s foot is going thump thump.
My heart is keeping time with that rabbit; like our bodies have turned to one.
Now you’re a soldier in some war, my friend ,
But baby I’m a soldier too,
A tiny drum starts beating deep in my heart
and then I can’t make love to you.

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