Julien Aklei - Little Star

Let me be your little star,
Let me shine tonight for you,
Just give me one glance babe
And I’ll smile back twice at you.
Imagine all the sweet things
you hold outside your life,
I could be that for you tonight.
Ain’t got much to say myself
But I can hear the words in you.
Haven’t seen much in my life
But I can see right into you.
This world that wraps itself
Like a newspaper around your heart
I could set in on fire babe
And read straight into your heart.
Just for tonight, dear, let your
clothes fall to the ground
Let me press my ear to your chest
& get lost in my favorite sound.
Let me read past those big old words
That lock your heart inside,
They ain’t no part of you, babe,
but just a vine that climbs high, strangles the tree, blocking the light…
Let me be a little star
That falls softly onto you,
To touch you for one night, babe, and
let my light press into you.
Then I’ll just vanish in the dawn
as your whole world fills with light,
I could do that for you, tonight.
A star ain’t nothing, babe,
Until it crash down from the sky,
Until it sets your heart on fire
And you blaze against the night.
Until you wake alone in a
Bed that’s soaked in tears.
Then you’ll watch the sky
for years.

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