Julien Aklei - Easter Hill

Do not linger; do not run.
Just walk east towards the sun
In the lacy light of dawn
You will find me.
By the rock on Easter Hill
I am waiting for you still
And I will be here until
You come find me.
You do not like Englishman
They believe they own your land
And to set us free
You had to go away.
But it don’t seem clear to me
For the bluebells did seem free
And the bluebells don’t believe
in English people anyway.
Do not linger…
I imagine you at war
Glory pouring from your sword
Ribbons dancing in your hair,
Will you return?
From your rainbow bright parade
To this little home we made
Or will the bluebells start to seem
Too quiet and demure?
Do not linger…
With the bone stuck through your ear
You will surely cause great fear
You will surely leave
Destruction in your wake.
But the ribbons in your hair
Don’t forget who hung them there
And remember when you said that
You fought only for my sake.

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