Jonathan Richman - Surrender

To win you must fight, or so they say
But with love things never seem to work that way.
With love you can't win
If love can't get in
And it can't pierce the heart of a defender.
To win in love you must surrender.

If you're angry then you can't surrender, no.
Your unwilling surrender's just a show
And unwillingly sweet means certain defeat
Better a fighter than a soft-spoken contender
To win in love you must surrender.

Now, I can be stubborn and draw the line
But now I've learned to pray thy will and not mine
Love has softened my heart and softened me
It's softened my eyes on the things they see
And my cheek has got much
Softer to the touch
Since I learned to be receiver as well as sender.
To win in love you must surrender.

I ask at night when the world is still
Be it done unto me according to thy will.
To summon Gabriel and Michaelangelo
Or to compete with Juliet or Romeo
Your armor, so strong
Is strategically wrong
Victory goes this time to the tender.
To win in love you must surrender.
To win in love you must surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender...

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