Zheani Lyrics
- Zheani - The Question 2,543
- Zheani - Whore of Babylon 2,287
- Zheani - Lava 1,775
- Zheani - I Won’t Sell My Soul 1,519
- Zheani - Dirtbike 1,367
- Zheani - Lie and Look 1,342
- Zheani - Fear Is the Mind Killer 1,263
- Zheani - Stabbed Her to Death (feat. Cameronazi) 1,143
- Zheani - Dirt On The Name Of Steven 1,087
- Zheani - Lulu 1,034
- Zheani - Burn the Witch 1,007
- Zheani - Ghosts 886
- Zheani - Melt Away (feat. The Virus and Antidote) 808
- Zheani - Can't Trust a Bitch 787
- Zheani - On Your Knees 751
- Zheani - Skin Walker 751
- Zheani - Angel Dust 751
- Zheani - Skitz Cunt 637
- Zheani - Fuck the Hollywood Cult 598
- Zheani - Litany Against Fear 591
- Zheani - The Red 576
- Zheani - Little Chicken 569
- Zheani - Bleed For Me 568
- Zheani - Yippy Ky Yay 548