Halifax Lyrics
- Halifax - Straight Up 3,311
- Halifax - Sydney 2,116
- Halifax - Better Than Sex 2,031
- Halifax - Nightmare 2,031
- Halifax - I Hate Your Eyes 1,875
- Halifax - Under Fire 1,519
- Halifax - A Tint Of Rain 1,519
- Halifax - Here I Am 1,519
- Halifax - Hey Italy 1,519
- Halifax - Our Revolution 1,519
- Halifax - Promise Me Tragedy 1,368
- Halifax - Anthem For Tonight 1,350
- Halifax - Scarlet Letter Part 2 1,282
- Halifax - The Next Two Weeks 1,263
- Halifax - Our Last Dance 1,263
- Halifax - Snow In Hollywood 1,263
- Halifax - Shoot Out 1,144
- Halifax - A Writer's Reference 1,133
- Halifax - Teusday's Waiting 1,123
- Halifax - I Told You So 1,123
- Halifax - Giant In The Ring 1,120
- Halifax - Name Your Price 1,099
- Halifax - Finished In A Day 1,089
- Halifax - Ten Fingers Isn't Quite Enough 1,061